Objective and activities
- Promote awareness of the main challenges related to the fundamental values of the EU with regard to minorities policy;
- Supporting social and political participation by often marginalized and discriminated against groups;
- Encouraging the development and implementation of diversity and inclusion policies within organizations (NGOs, government agencies, private companies, etc.).
The core activities of the project are FIVE INTERNATIONAL EVENTS for all project partners (10-12 countries) supplemented by smaller LOCAL ACTIONS (a workshop, a conference) organized by each partner in their own country. The focus of the project is to collaborate, exchange information and network between the partners and citizens during the international events. The network will consist of local and regional public authorities and community groups.
Participating partners
The participating partners come from the group of cities, municipalities or twin cities, federations, associations of local authorities, institutions representing other levels of local / regional authorities, local action groups, cultural centers, non-profit organizations from all EU Member States and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

The project consists of 3 parts:
Project participants (policy makers, civil servants, activists, local leaders) will share their knowledge and experience for:
1. Raising awareness about the challenges of fundamental EU values (e.g. Pluralism, solidarity, equality) in the light of current local and (inter) national developments (during the first and second international event).
- Raise policy-makers and activists aware of the EU's commitment to non-discrimination and diversity and the practical consequences of this commitment.
- Investigate and recognize the (new) forms of hate speech, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, etc. that are still common and how they can be tackled.
- Investigate how fundamental values are questioned or endangered in different parts of Europe. And looking for solutions for this (exchange of this between the partners)
2. Supporting and enabling the implementation of diversity policy at local and European level (during the third international event).
- The project will build on the experience of parties that are already active in the field of the Diversity Charter for the purpose of promoting diversity (in tangible actions).
- The project will encourage concerted efforts to prevent and address issues such as marginalization, intolerance, racism and radicalization.
- And also to create a (political) policy framework for equal opportunities for everyone - as implied by the Diversity Charter.
3. Support the civic and political participation of often marginalized groups (during the fourth and fifth international event).
- Learn from local examples
- Organize discussion with citizens
- Use EU funds to support participation
Preliminary schedule
2022 May 18, 19 and 20 - International Event 1 (3 days, 2 participants per partner). Start event
Topic: Challenges to fundamental EU values - how do they manifest at the local level?
Participants: 76-100
Location: Nuenen (The Netherlands)

September 2022 - International Event 2 (2 or 3 nights, 2-3 participants per partner)
Topic: Challenges to fundamental EU values - how do they manifest themselves at EU level?
Participants: 101-125
Location: tbd
November 2022 - International Event 3 (2 or 3 nights, 2-3 participants per partner)
Topic: Diversity charter at local and European level - practical implications.
Participants: 101-125
Location: tbd
November 2022-February 2023 - Local follow-up activities - debates and workshops.
February 2023 - International Event 4 (2 or 3 nights, 2-3 participants per partner)
Topic: How to support social and political participation - focus on often marginalized individuals / groups?
Participants: 101-125
Location: tbd
March-April 2023 - Local follow-up activities - debates and workshops (continuation from Nov'21)
April 2023 - International Closing Event 5 (3 days, 2-3 participants per partner).
Participants: 101-125
Location: tbd
April - May 2023 - Dissemination activities at local and European level